Martin Hulbek Møller

About Me

Visiting Grand Canyon
Visiting Grand Canyon

I am a hobby photographer living in Denmark. My interest in photography began after I bought my first digital camera in the beginning of the 00s. A couple of years later I got my first SLR camera and I joined Dansk Nikon Klub—a club for photographers using (mainly) Nikon equipment. In the beginning they had a difficult time coping with the fact that the camera I had bought was made by Canon. Today I am still a member of the club and I still use a Canon camera. But now my keys are on a Nikon key strap.

When I see a photo that really blows me away it often happens to be a landscape or nature photo. This is a type of subject I frequently return to and try to improve my skills. I usually spend quite some time post-processing my photos which I often take in multiple exposures and merge using exposure blending. These are my preferred tools for photo management and editing:

I hope you enjoy my photos.

Martin Møller